Sunday, March 3, 2013

           Action research is something that all administrators should make use of. Action research is when administrators intentionally observe their administrative practices. After intentionally observing their administrative practices, administrators then make change based on what they observed. These continuous reflections and changes are all for the betterment of the school campus.
Action research is different from traditional forms of research/inquiry. Traditional forms of research consisted of administrators simply carrying out what professors and other educators recommended in books. Traditionally, the principal simply carried out someone else’s orders. Action research allows administrators to find answers within themselves instead of seeking out someone else’s.
I have already begun using action research. In my previous course we created an internship plan that required me to reflect on many of my practices as a teacher and a future administrator. I will use what I intentionally observed to make changes. For example, through action research I have realized that an administrator is always being watch so punctuality is key. I’ve also realized that once you put something out there you can’t take it back. Through action research I have realized that I need to and will change my choice of what comes out my mouth. Action research has forced me to examine the good and bad of my practices.
An administrator can make use of blogs. I believe one way he/she can do so is by creating a blog that includes all teachers. If a serious decision is coming up or the principal would like input from all teachers, the administrator can post the topic online and teachers can blog regarding the topic. At the end of the week the administrator can read through the blog to gauge the morale and opinions of his/her staff.

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